The Four Landvættir


The Four Landvættir

Long ago, when Iceland was still young and untamed, the island was protected by four mighty guardian spirits known as the Landvættir. Each one watched over a specific part of the land, ensuring harmony and safeguarding its people. Their names were Griðungur, the bull of the west; Gammur, the eagle of the north; Dreki, the dragon of the east; and Bergrisi, the giant of the south.

The Landvættir lived in peace, but one day, news spread of a great danger: a greedy king from a faraway land had heard of Iceland’s beauty and riches. He wanted to conquer the island and claim it for himself.

The king, a cunning and ruthless man, sent a sorcerer in the form of a giant to test the strength of Iceland’s protectors. The sorcerer arrived on the shores of the west, disguised as a towering figure cloaked in storm clouds, hoping to sneak past the guardians. But as he stepped onto the land, Griðungur, the mighty bull, emerged from the misty mountains. His eyes glowed with fiery determination as he charged at the intruder, bellowing with a sound that shook the earth. The sorcerer fled in terror.

Next, the sorcerer tried to enter from the north. This time, he took the form of a massive ship to avoid detection. As he approached the icy shores, Gammur, the great eagle, soared down from the snowy peaks. With his sharp talons and piercing cries, he summoned a fierce storm that broke the ship into splinters, forcing the sorcerer to retreat once again.

Determined, the sorcerer tried his luck in the east, disguising himself as a venomous serpent slithering through the rocky fjords. But Dreki, the dragon, emerged from the sea, her scales shimmering like molten lava. She roared, sending waves crashing against the cliffs, and the sorcerer, realizing he was no match, fled in panic.

Finally, the sorcerer turned south, where he believed the land would be undefended. But there stood Bergrisi, the giant, as tall as the mountains and as strong as the cliffs. With a single stomp of his foot, he caused the ground to quake, and with his booming voice, he shouted, “Leave this land, or you will face the fury of all four guardians!”

The sorcerer, defeated and humiliated, returned to the greedy king with tales of Iceland’s unyielding protectors. The king, fearing the wrath of the Landvættir, abandoned his plans of conquest. From that day forward, no invader dared set foot on Iceland.

The Landvættir continued to watch over the island, their presence felt in every storm, mountain, and glacier. To this day, Icelanders honor the four guardians as symbols of their land’s strength, resilience, and unity.


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