The Tale of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih (Shallot and Garlic)


The Tale of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih (Shallot and Garlic)

Long ago, in a small Malaysian village, there lived a kind-hearted girl named Bawang Putih (Garlic) with her father and stepmother. Her stepsister, Bawang Merah (Shallot), was selfish and cruel, taking after her mother. After Bawang Putih's father passed away, her stepmother and stepsister treated her like a servant, forcing her to do all the chores while they lived in comfort.

One day, while washing clothes by the river, Bawang Putih accidentally let her stepmother's favorite scarf float away in the current. Terrified of her stepmother's wrath, she ran along the riverbank, searching for the scarf. She came upon a small hut where an old woman lived.

The old woman smiled kindly and said, "I found the scarf, but you must help me with some chores if you wish to have it back."

Grateful for the chance to make things right, Bawang Putih stayed with the old woman, cooking, cleaning, and helping around the house. The woman grew fond of Bawang Putih’s gentle and hardworking nature.

When it was time to leave, the old woman gave her the scarf and offered her a choice: a small pumpkin or a large pumpkin as a reward. Humble as always, Bawang Putih chose the small pumpkin.

When she returned home, her stepmother and stepsister scolded her for taking so long. But when Bawang Putih cut open the pumpkin, they were astonished to see it filled with gold, jewels, and precious stones.

Greedy and envious, Bawang Merah and her mother hatched a plan. The next day, Bawang Merah went to the river and deliberately threw a scarf into the water. She followed it downstream until she reached the old woman’s hut. Pretending to be kind, Bawang Merah demanded the scarf and stayed with the old woman, but she was lazy and rude, refusing to do any chores properly.

When she left, the old woman gave her the same choice of pumpkins. Greedy for riches, Bawang Merah chose the large pumpkin.

Back at home, Bawang Merah and her mother eagerly cut open the pumpkin, but instead of gold, venomous snakes and insects burst out, chasing them from their home.

Bawang Putih, now free from their cruelty, lived peacefully and used her newfound wealth to help others in her village. Her kindness and humility brought her happiness and prosperity, and she was loved by all.

This story is a Malaysian classic that emphasizes the values of kindness, humility, and the consequences of greed. 


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